16 June 2008

Welcome to the show!

Hi everyone!

A little introduction is in order I guess. At the moment this is my one and only blog, so I have a number of things I'll be blogging about. First, as with any personal blog, I will be writing about what's going on in my life. At the moment this is almost entirely devoted to my impending fatherhood and all the various ridiculous and sublime things that go along with that.

I will also be blogging about books. I'm an avid reader in several genres (history, sci-fi/fantasy, music and art criticism, ancient literature, etc) and I will - on occassion - post a book review, comment on an author, or other reading/writing related rant.

Finally, breakfast cereals. Yes, breakfast cereals. Figure it out.

So here goes!


Nicole Lesinski said...

I am anxiously awaiting your "breakfast cereal" blog. Is this where your blog title comes from? Don't keep me hangin'!

Dr. S said...

Hi Nicole! You are no longer hanging, and I think all your questions are answered in my recent post!